Happy 1st Blogiversary FashionSquash

Woohoo, FashionSquash is a year old today!

To think I've been blogging for a whole year, that's absolutely crazy!
My blog genuinely started as a hobby, I didn't think too many people blogged at the time, I knew the 'famous' ones and didn't really venture out to discover this massive blogging community for a while.
I kept my blog to myself for months and didn't really want anyone finding it, I'm not sure why!

After a couple of months, I started using twitter to promote my blog and notice that there were a million other blogs out there.
At this time particular time, I didn't have many followers but I had a lot of people reading my blog which made me very proud.
After making a bloglovin' account, my followers started to build up and I used to sit there thinking 'wow, I'm at 30' which is nothing to some but to me that's a whole classroom reading my little blog.

I've met (not physically) some great people through blogging, it's amazing how there's so many bloggers and 99.99% they're so kind and helpful. Whenever I need help, whether it's a yes or no for an item I've bought or a quick question on how to sort my blog template, bloggers are more than quick to help you out. So thank you all!

In the year, I've been blogging, I managed to reach a 100 followers, now if I was excited at 30, you should've seen how happy I was when I reached 100! I was so, so happy, I even ran into the kitchen to tell my mum and she just replied 'aw, that's good!' She doesn't understand you guys!

I'm really happy with my blog and I'd encourage anyone that wants to start a blog to just go ahead and start, you don't know until you've tried. I'm glad I didn't stop blogging during the year as I've had the opportunity to do things I'd never have been able to do if I hadn't started my blog.

I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone, from my sister, who takes my OOTD pictures most of the time, to my close friend that has always supported me and my blog and to my lovely readers that take the time out of their day to read my blog. I really appreciate all the support, help and feedback from all of you. (I feel like I've won an award haha!)

I'm truly grateful for everything, thanks for reading, supporting and following! *big hugs*

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Jesslyn xo

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