OOTD | The Puffer

H&M Cropped Jumper | Adidas Joggers | Primark Puffer 
eBay Pom Pom Beanie | Nike Capri Trainers

What a cold week it has been!
Uni has been the only thing on my mind lately, I've had tons of work to catch up on so blogging has been pushed to the side a little bit.

However, I have an OOTD today for you guys.
In my previous, I mentioned that I managed to find 'The Perfect Puffer' so I definitely wanted to show you how I style it.

I'm a pretty casual dresser so this outfit more or less sums up what I look like on a daily basis when I don't want to dress up or wear tight skinny jeans.

As you can see, I'm wearing all back, my clothes rail is starting to look so colourless but I like it, I'm outgrowing colour but I hope I can get back into it before Summer!

Lastly, don't you guys just love my pom pom beanie?!
I got it on eBay for a sweet £2.80, tell me that's not a bargain. I've left the link above so you can get your hands on one. I've been wearing it nearly everyday haha

That's it for today, hope everyone's having a great week, make sure you keep your eyes peeled for a review and a haul over the next few days!

Thanks for reading,



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Jesslyn xo

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