FITNESS | Kick it off with Pink

I'm sure, 'Join the gym!', 'Start working out!', 'Eat healthier!' was at the top of a lot of people New Years' resolutions and to be honest, why not?
New year, fresh start, getting fit and healthy is a great thing to start doing and if you keep up with it and begin to see results, I tell you, it's worth having on your to-do list.

I started training back in October 2014, I had just started uni, they had a gym on campus with a cheap membership and I thought, might as well start here.
The first 6 months was the hardest, I was working out twice a week, pretty hard but I wasn't eating right meaning I didn't see the results I wanted and I couldn't understand why, at the time.

I have a very fast metabolism, so fat gets burnt very, very quick and my aim was to tone and build muscle. So as an ectomorph (google it!) it was super hard to see those results.

After about 6 months, I had finished uni for the year meaning less eating out, less sugar because I would be at home cooking for myself and snacking on better bits. I joined my local gym which is about 10 mins walk (or 5 mins bus ride. . . I know, lazy!) and made it my mission to eat better. 
I started training around 4-5 times a week and about 2 months in, I started seeing amazing results!

I wanted to look good for my Majorca holiday so this was my main motivation to keep going.
I started cooking better meals for myself, researching about workouts I could do, how many times I should train certain parts of the body and with this, I started moving forward and getting the results I wanted.

So now, about a year and a bit later, I know exactly what I should do and what I can do to achieve certain results.
I'm naturally slim and being 5ft3 just means that 'tiny' and 'skinny' is easily the names I get labelled with. I personally don't mind because I love my body regardless but a lot of girls my age, younger and possibly older, probably hate being called that and to be honest, I think it's the same as calling someone 'fat' if used maliciously.

I'm quite excited to continue my fitness journey into 2016, I haven't started great but my mum bought the cute pink workout top for Christmas and I thought why not start a 'Fitness' segment on the blog and share my journey with you guys. 
I'm not in anyway qualified so I won't be telling you what you should do or giving you nutritional info, it will just be me telling you what I do to get my results and tips and tricks on staying motivated.
I've also been wanting to do a gym lookbook for the longest because I stay looking cute at the gym and I can't wait to show you bits and bobs that I've been wearing! 

It will be interesting to see how it will go down on the blog because it's a part of my life that I only really snapchat (jsln_rbt) about so it will be fun to see how different it will be on the blog.

Hope you guys will like this new segment of FashionSquash, please leave me any feedback or things you'd like to see, would love to hear your thoughts!

Take care,

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Jesslyn xo

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