
I turned 20!
No longer part of the teenage crew *cries*, I was actually shocked at the fact that I was turning 20, it's a new chapter, time to fix up, finish my degree, move out and do all the things big people do.
I'm a big kid so it's going to be interesting and somewhat stressful. I'm looking forward to this new chapter, growing up doesn't mean being boring, I'm still young and have the next 5-10 years to really venture out, find myself and build a future.

I love when my birthday comes around each year because it gives me time to reflect on me and how I've progressed and changed in a year. A lot has since my last birthday, me and my family moved house, I finished the second year of my degree, lost friends, made new ones, grown more confident within myself and overall, just bettered my being.
I'm always one for growing and changing and learning new things and I'm so excited to see what my next year will bring for me.

I had a great birthday, celebrated with ones close to me (vlog will be on my new YouTube channel!), I always get stressed and anxious the week leading up to my birthday but we had so much fun and I'm glad we celebrated the way we did.
We went to Junkyard Golf LDN on Brick Lane, I'd definitely recommend it, we literally laughed the whole night. If you're not a club type person or you're tired of birthday dinners, have a go at golf haha

I love wearing white on my birthday, I did last year also, I think I wore a bralet too!
I don't wear white throughout the year because I'm clumsy so wearing it on my birthday is always special and even if do get dirty, at least I know I had fun!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes across all my social media platforms, I really appreciate it!
Bring on the 20's!

I'm wearing

PRIMARK Skinny Jeans
NEW LOOK Heels (old)
TOPSHOP Choker (old)
LYDC Clutch (old)

Take care,


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If you need me to reply urgently, please email me @ fashionsquash96@gmail.com or tweet me @JesslynJuly.

Jesslyn xo

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