As some of you may know, I am now studying a degree in Fashion Design and boy, I can tell you now, it's not easy at all.
No day is the same, it's an emotional rollercoaster and you're forever learning.
I don't talk much about what I do as fashion design student so I thought it would be nice to share with you all, what's like to be one on a daily basis.
I know a lot people think it's an easy course to do but it's very time consuming and expensive so I do recommend you think well and hard before you commit to a fashion degree.
My module leader actually said 'Don't do this degree if you're poor or have any other commitments such as kids or health problems, you have to be fashion focused 24/7'
Crazy right?
So saying all that, here's one of my days as a fashion design student!
I don't talk much about what I do as fashion design student so I thought it would be nice to share with you all, what's like to be one on a daily basis.
I know a lot people think it's an easy course to do but it's very time consuming and expensive so I do recommend you think well and hard before you commit to a fashion degree.
My module leader actually said 'Don't do this degree if you're poor or have any other commitments such as kids or health problems, you have to be fashion focused 24/7'
Crazy right?
So saying all that, here's one of my days as a fashion design student!
6:30 am - 8:30am
My day starts.
I'm up, getting ready, I usually try and decide what I want to wear the night before because most of time I wear outfits that need to be put up on the blog.
So after getting ready, I spend 30 mins before I leave to get my OOTD's shot or FOTD's etc. whatever needs doing.
8:30am - 9:30am
I leave my house at 8:30-5 to catch my 8;59 train, I take two trains afterwards getting me to uni for 9:30am. My journeys are probably the most draining part of the day, it's like I'm sent a person to irritate me, every journey haha
9:30am - 10am
I get to uni 30 mins early, 1. because my train times don't allow me to be on time, it's either early or late, I'd rather be early and 2. because I hate having to rush and be hot and flustered when I get in.
So having that 30 mins is super helpful, I use that time to catch up on work or if I don't have work to catch up on (which is never!) I watch my favourite TV shows on the tablet!

7pm onwards
After my chill session, I get the laptop out or the sketchbook, sometimes both and get to working.
Most of the time I'm blogging, I could write up a post for up to an hour and then do some blog planning for the month.
If blogging doesn't take up my whole evening, I'll do some sketches in my sketchbook or do some research for uni.
I could do this well into the early hours of the morning, (obviously with some snacks on the side), I'm a night owl so I work best at night and I actually get things done.
I work until I'm exhausted and then I decide it's time for bed!
So that's my day, it can be fun and stressful at times, bittersweet I'd call it!
Life as a fashion student is so interesting, your day is never the same, your hours are always spent differently, which I love. Sometimes structure can get boring so having an unpredictable day is fun.
Hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you want to see more!
Take care,
Jesslyn x
So having that 30 mins is super helpful, I use that time to catch up on work or if I don't have work to catch up on (which is never!) I watch my favourite TV shows on the tablet!
10am - 1pm
My morning lesson begins.
The module leaders usually give a presentation that could take up the morning session or they'll tell us what we'll be doing for the day and we'd get on with it.
In today's case, it was a presentation about a new project we're starting.
They brought in fabrics and garments to help inspire us, we can make any garment we like but it has to be draped on the stand (mannequin) and then transferred to a pattern.
This is my kind of project, I'm not a fan of researching, I love having an idea and then bringing it to life.
Lunchtime! Didn't get any pictures because I was super hungry and honestly, completely forgot I even had my camera on me.
I had a Chicken Chettinad wrap (I think that's what it's called) and all time fave, Volvic Strawberry Water.
2pm - 4pm
The fastest part of the day. Time flies by when you're having fun I guess.
I was struggling to find inspiration so I flipped through a pattern book and found an amazing sleeve pattern which I decided to use as my starting point.
I got out some pattern paper and tried to execute the pattern, I've never done a raglan sleeve so it was a challenge.
I spent my afternoon working on it and I was inspired so much and came up with so many design ideas.
4pm - 6pm
By 4pm, I'm out.
I do stay behind sometimes, whether it be in the library or the studios but when it's a Friday and I'm tired, I'm so ready to leave.
Depending on trains and buses, it can take up to an hour and a half to get home.
6pm - 7pm
When I get home, I whip on the pj's and the cosy socks, have a little something to eat and chill.
I'm a Hollyoaks fan (are you?) so I watch that whilst scrolling on Instagram.
7pm onwards
After my chill session, I get the laptop out or the sketchbook, sometimes both and get to working.
Most of the time I'm blogging, I could write up a post for up to an hour and then do some blog planning for the month.
If blogging doesn't take up my whole evening, I'll do some sketches in my sketchbook or do some research for uni.
I could do this well into the early hours of the morning, (obviously with some snacks on the side), I'm a night owl so I work best at night and I actually get things done.
I work until I'm exhausted and then I decide it's time for bed!
So that's my day, it can be fun and stressful at times, bittersweet I'd call it!
Life as a fashion student is so interesting, your day is never the same, your hours are always spent differently, which I love. Sometimes structure can get boring so having an unpredictable day is fun.
Hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you want to see more!
Take care,
Jesslyn x
Don't forget to follow my other social networks and visit my store, frequent updates and I'm up for a chat anytime!
Email : fashionsquash96@gmail.com
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Jesslyn xo