A bit of a different post for you guys today, I'm doing the 'What's in my bag?' tag but not the usual.
I think I will do the 'what's in my bag' tag soon, I just thought I'd share this one first.
In college, we are currently doing a project where we have to do customer profiles before designing a collection and we had to look at what everyone had in their bags to determine what type of person they were.
So we took out some of our contents that best showed our 'personalities' and we laid them out on a blank piece of A3 paper. Whilst everyone had theirs out, I took a couple pictures of different ones. Can you guess which one is mine?!
I think it's quite cool to see what people carry in their bags, I carry my life in mine, when I ask someone to hold my bag for a second, they always say 'woah, what do you have in here?' Weird thing is, I don't think it's heavy!
That's my special edition of the 'what's in my bag?' tag, stay tuned for the original 'what's in my bag?' from me.
Thanks for reading!

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Jesslyn xo