Hello everyone,
2 weeks ago, I was nominated by Nicole from Ruby Sapphire for an award! The rules are, once you've been nominated you've got to display the award on your blog, mention the person that nominated you and write 7 facts about yourself. Lastly, nominate 15 other bloggers you feel should get the award and then tell them you've nominated them.
So here goes!
1. I am 5ft3
2. I have 5 siblings and I'm the oldest.
3. I have a ketchup addiction. Anything savoury, I eat with ketchup!
4. Speaking of food, I love cooking.
5. I want to be a fashion designer.
6. I can't whistle, I've tried. . . very hard, I just can't.
7. 95% of the time, I wear trainers, I love them!
That were my 7 facts, if you want to read more facts about me, have a look at my 25 facts about me post!
The 15 bloggers I'm nominating are:
Kelly from DayDreams DaisyChains
Alexandria from Paint Your Face
Beth from Beauty in Beta
Kayla from Not Your Standard
Haya from Higher and Haya
Jane from Dorky, Fizzy & Quirk Stuff
April from Beautiface
Janine from What Renee Made
Claire and Lauren from Stylingo
Emily from Jammy and Jelly
Louise and Nada from Unique Beauty Secrets
Chloe from Lost Arrows
Tara from Perfectly Imperfect Beauty
Sam from Lipstick and Lectures
Lauryn from Funfairs and Fairydust
Thanks for reading lovelies!
So here goes!
1. I am 5ft3
2. I have 5 siblings and I'm the oldest.
3. I have a ketchup addiction. Anything savoury, I eat with ketchup!
4. Speaking of food, I love cooking.
5. I want to be a fashion designer.
6. I can't whistle, I've tried. . . very hard, I just can't.
7. 95% of the time, I wear trainers, I love them!
That were my 7 facts, if you want to read more facts about me, have a look at my 25 facts about me post!
The 15 bloggers I'm nominating are:
Kelly from DayDreams DaisyChains
Alexandria from Paint Your Face
Beth from Beauty in Beta
Kayla from Not Your Standard
Haya from Higher and Haya
Jane from Dorky, Fizzy & Quirk Stuff
April from Beautiface
Janine from What Renee Made
Claire and Lauren from Stylingo
Emily from Jammy and Jelly
Louise and Nada from Unique Beauty Secrets
Chloe from Lost Arrows
Tara from Perfectly Imperfect Beauty
Sam from Lipstick and Lectures
Lauryn from Funfairs and Fairydust
Thanks for reading lovelies!

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Jesslyn xo