How's everyone's Friday night? I was planning to do a beauty post for today but I thought I'd do a life update because quite a lot has been happening lately and I just feel like talking today. I'm actually typing this up with no internet connection due to crappy weather so I can't check my twitter or anything, no distractions basically and I'm home alone so this post could go on forever. Hopefully by the time I finish typing, my internet is nice and connected!
This already sounds like a depressing post but it's not at all, I'm happy, motivated and very proud of myself.
I've changed a lot recently, hair and clothes wise, I feel like the A/W season is allowing me to find and change my style. I've been buying a lot (a lot) and I've noticed they're things I wouldn't usually buy and I feel like I'm coming out of my comfort zone in terms of the way I look.
Speaking of new style, I didn't want to wear my 'new clothes' until I'd done my hair which you can have a closer look at in my new hair post! I felt like my new style included my hair and wanted it to all start at the same time. Makes sense to me!
I definitely wanted my new look to be a bit maturer however my trainers aren't going anywhere, anytime soon so I'm going to find new ways of wearing my trainers and share them with you guys.
I can't wait to show you all what I'm wearing, more OOTD's and hauls coming your way!
Change has been a huge thing for me lately, I've been reorganising my wardrobe, my make up drawers, just been generally wanting a different feel. Where I do my make up has been once again been reorganised, even this morning I decided to move things around. I like change but not huge changes like going to uni or moving out. I don't even want to think about when I have to start uni.
Now, if you follow me on twitter, you'd see me tweeting excitedly about reaching 100 followers on my blog. I know 100 is a small amount to some but to me, that's a lot of people, like a lot, a lot of people to be following and reading my blog. This blog genuinely started as a hobby and I was bored on my days off from college so I thought blogging would be a great way to use up my time. When my close friend always said your blog is really good, I read it all the time, I always think nah it's not amazing but I've learnt it takes time to get your blog where you want it and be happy with it.
I'm so glad I started blogging because I've met lovely people always willing to help out and I've had opportunities to do things I wouldn't have been able to do if I didn't start blogging. So this is a hugeeeee thank you to everyone that's supported me and my blog, even a little tick on my quick feedback makes me happy. My 100 followers giveaway will be up soon, I wish I'd prepared for it but I haven't so I'm still trying to figure out what to get and all that jazz but stay tuned so you don't miss it!
That's all guys, apologies for the extra long post (if you got to the end haha), I can't wait to put up more posts, I've been so motivated and inspired to blog lately so you're going to be seeing a lot of new content over here on FashionSquash so keep your eyes peeled lovelies!
Thanks for reading *big, big hugs* (oh look, internet's back!)

Great post doll and lovely blog !! Keep up the great work cant wait for the giveaway , woohoo !! :D
Thank you so, so,so much! Stay tuned lovey xo