Herbalife SKIN Protective Daily Moisturiser & Polishing Citrus Cleanser*

*This post contains gifted items by Herbalife SKIN, all views/opinions/experiences expressed within the post are all my own.

You guys know, looking after my skin is top priority, I love anything to do with skincare, I don't regularly switch up my routine or change my products because I like to stick to what I know and not mess with the oil levels of my face.
Finding products for oily skin is super hard and can be frustrating if your skin isn't agreeing with things you're spending your money and sometimes they can be pricey.
The thing is that's the only way until you find your holy grail and you eventually do.

I was sent some Herbalife SKIN products to test out, it's a new brand to me so I was pretty excited to try them out. Herbalife SKIN is "a collection of hard working botanical formulas that work hard around the clock to nourish, restore and treat skin." 
I'm all for around the clock skincare, nothing fussy, gets the job done and my skin looks flawless.

I got to try the Protective Daily Moisturiser and Polishing Citrus Cleanser. I've been using them for about a month but solidly for 2 weeks which is enough time for my skin to decide whether it likes a product or not.

First up is the Protective Daily Moisturiser*. I tested this initially by just replacing my current moisturiser (La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo +) but still sticking to my daily cleansers and scrubs so I'd know if my skin didn't agree.
My first impression was that it was quite thick rubbing it together on my fingertips and then applying to my face, I noticed that it was quite greasy but it was a nice, moisturising greasy, heavier than my normal moisturiser. I was worried that it would make me break out but after a week's use, my skin was well moisturised throughout the day with no breakouts. I stopped using it so I could try the cleanser. After a week of trying the cleanser, I added the use of the moisturiser into the regime and my skin was loving it. 
My skin felt very fresh and healthy, it had a glow to it and that could be down to the fact that it has SPF 30 in. Throughout the day, I didn't feel like I had a heavy layer on, even when I applied make up on top. 
I'd say the only downside for me was that I couldn't use it at night, it was definitely too heavy for me and I prefer something light. I did try it and was very uncomfortable as I sleep on my face and noticed that I was literally rubbing my moisturised face into my pillow and all I could think was 'spottssss'!
Overall I do like it and have continued using it as daily moisturiser and then using my LRP Effaclar Duo + as my night moisturiser.

This is the Polishing Citrus Cleanser*. As I said above, I started using it a week after I had tried the moisturiser. My first impressions were, it had a very strong fragrance, so strong that it lingered on my skin even after rinsing and moisturising. Literally, it felt like I had rubbed the cleanser up my nostrils. I might be exaggerating however, if like me, you're not too keen on fragranced products, then be wary.
 I continued to make it work because my face felt so refreshed after using it, my skin wasn't dry, I didn't break out.
It has little beads in to help with exfoliation, very easy to wash off as I've tried scrubs that have hard beads to wash out of nooks and crannies. The cleanser is very light and foams up nicely and then with splashes of water, it rinses off.
I really like using it, especially on days where I want to freshen up my face after a long day or a tough gym session.
My thing is just the fragrance but I can make it work!

So that's all guys, they're two great products, I'd recommend them!

Take care, 

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Jesslyn xo

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