What's New In Jess' . . . Closet | eBay Watch

Hello everyone!

Got something new, oh yeah! 
I love me some eBay and I always get amazing bargains on there. Black and gold is one of my favourite combinations so I was on the hunt for a simple watch with that combo.

When on eBay, you must find what you're looking for and extra! I found this watch for £1.37, no one can tell me it was a waste of money (Mum.) The seller was selling them in 3 different colours; black, white and brown, I obviously went for the black.

Lucky for those that do want to go ahead and buy it, the seller relisted the item and it has gone down by a penny haha!
It arrived fairly quick considering it came all the way from great China, Shenzhen to be exact.
I love it, it's so simple and it's great for stacking up with bracelets and all that.

If you do want to buy it, here's the link but I can't be held responsible if you get addicted to eBay haha

Thanks for reading,


  1. snap I've got this in white such a bargain !! x

    1. haha definitely a bargain, i wanted the white but wasn't sure if it would get dirty quick! x


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Jesslyn xo

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