Hey guys!
I was nominated by Angi from Two Different Worlds for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Her reason for nominating me was because I seem like a lovely person. That's such a nice thing to say about someone you've never met and I'm truly grateful for being nominated for this award.
The Rules:
1) Thank and link the awesome person who nominated you
2) List the rules and display the award
3) Share 7 things/facts about yourself
4) Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their blogs to let them know you have nominated them and provide a link to your post
5) Optional. Proudly display the award logo anywhere on your blog e.g. side bar and follow the person who nominated you
7 Facts About Me!
1) I love ketchup, like lurveeeee!
2) I have a phobia of mice/rats, put a spider on my head any day.
3) Energy drinks are my favourite drink.
4) I cry every time I need to have an injection or have blood taken (hate needles!)
5) I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters and over 50 cousins!
6) I'm 5ft3 but I never shop in the petite section, I should though.
7) My birthday's in July! Little Cancerian over here!
The 15 bloggers I nominate are:
So thanks again to Angi for nominating me, I really, really appreciate it. It's so nice to know that I inspire others through my blog. I never thought I'd have those readers/followers that read my blog daily and leave amazing comments. I'm so thankful that everyone's so supportive of me and my blog.
My blog is my outlet and I use it to inform and inspire and I'm glad I am achieving that. So keep on reading guys because there's load more to come!
Thanks again,
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Jesslyn xo