Blazer French Connection | Dress LOVE* | Boots eBay | Watch eBay | Jewellery (mix of Primark, eBay and sister's jewellery ;) )

*the last 4 pictures are not my own*
Blazer French Connection | Dress LOVE* | Boots eBay | Watch eBay | Jewellery (mix of Primark, eBay and sister's jewellery ;) )
Hey everyone,
It feels like ages since I last blogged, I'm currently putting together a mood board for a stylist project I'm helping out with and it's quite fun, I must say.
I've spent my day running around my end of London, fabric hunting. Thankfully, I found the exact fabrics I was looking for and for great prices too. I also had to run to WH Smith just before it closed because I needed to buy a A3 display folder for my portfolio, only the Lord knows how I made it before it closed!
Well, enough about my day! Some of you may know, I was invited to LFA LOVE blogger event which I was truly excited about as I love LOVE (love love haha!) and they sell amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing things over on their site InLoveWithFashion!
So me being me, I turned up late but luckily I hadn't missed much. I was very nervous, I went on my own and I was late, nothing worse than that. I was greeted by tons of smiles, everyone I made eye contact gave me a grin and it made me feel at ease. I hung my coat up, got my camera out and started having a look at the LOVE Spring/Summer collection. Seeing the collection made me so excited for Spring, there were some powder blue (my new favourite colour!) pieces, some peach pieces, some mint green pieces and some floral pieces. I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on some of the pieces I set my eyes on that day.
By the way, when I said 'I got my camera out', after the event I got home to discover that there was no memory card in the camera which absolutely ****** me off and I couldn't find the USB wire for my camera which was quite depressing. *sighhhhhhh*
Anywhooo . . .
After having a look at the collection and the sale rack, the LOVE team called us over so they could do their talks. Both Coco and Sophie gave inspirational talks about how they came to be at LOVE and how you can do anything you want if you strive for it. Guest speaker, Naomi from Two Shoes, One Pair spoke about how she keeps up with blog and what's like to be the other half of a blogging duo. She gave us tips on how to expand our blogs and how to use our blogs to get out there.
After the talks, I was approached by a couple other bloggers who were all so lovely! Everyone seemed so surprised I was 17, I felt so young haha
I even had an lovely girl named Dillon (LiveLaughLipgloss) touch my hair and compliment my eyebrows, I spoke to her and her friend Funto for ages. We discovered we were all doing the same course and we all planned to do the same course at university, strange but cool stuff!
I had an amazing time, I even received a £50 voucher which I can't wait to spend so you'll definitely be seeing some new LOVE pieces here on FashionSquash.
I'm looking forward to working with LOVE in the future, it's such an amazing brand and the team behind it are even more amazing!
Thanks LOVE team!
Jesslyn xo
I love this outfit! It's super cute, especially those shoes (:
ReplyDelete~Makaela at
Thank you so much! xoxox