1. Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic?
I've always had a synthetic tree so I don't know if I'd prefer a real one!
2. You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick?
I'm definitely a 'hot chocolate' girl, I love me some chocolate.
3. Whats your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?
I love red and gold on the tree, my mum tries to change the colour theme every year but we always end up doing red and gold or blue and silver
4. Giving or receiving?
I am a such a giver, even when it's not the festive season, I love making people happy. Christmas is a great time to give and giving is a great excuse for me to shop haha
5. To mince pie or not to?
To mince pie definitely. I don't get why so many people don't like them, they're delicious, oh well, more for me!
6. What's your traditional Sunday lunch?
We usually have a pork chop with roast potatoes, yorkshire puddings and pork pies! Can't forget the pork pie! We also have sweetcorn or something with it. Love Sundays!
7. Christmas day fashion
My pj's! I'm usually at home with family on Christmas day so I don't see the need to dress up but if I know the extended family are visiting, I throw on a nice winter jumper and some jeans or something.
8. What's your favourite Christmas song?
Destiny's Child - 8 Days of Christmas! Doesn't it feel like Christmas?!
9. What's your favourite Christmas film?
That's a hard one! It has to be between Elf and Home Alone, I could watch these films over and over again and still love them the same.
10. Open presents before or after lunch?
In my house, we always leave the present opening until last, sometimes we open half on Christmas day and drag it out and open the rest on Boxing Day. We always do things differently in my house haha
That's the Christmas Tag from me, I tag all of you! Tweet me if you do @JesslynJuly, I'd love to read them all!
Thanks for reading mine
In my house, we always leave the present opening until last, sometimes we open half on Christmas day and drag it out and open the rest on Boxing Day. We always do things differently in my house haha
That's the Christmas Tag from me, I tag all of you! Tweet me if you do @JesslynJuly, I'd love to read them all!
Thanks for reading mine
Jesslyn x
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Jesslyn xo