*This post contains gifted items by Scrub Love, all views/opinions/experiences expressed within the post are all my own.

Coffee body scrubs. Seems to be the new craze, I've never really been interested as I'm not a huge fan of coffee and the body scrub concept wasn't appealing to me at all. As you guys know, I don't get excited by hype.
So when I was contacted by Georgia at Scrub Love and she asked me if I'd ever used a coffee scrub before and if I wanted to try it out. I was fascinated about what the hype was, so I said why not.
She sent me the Mint Temptation coffee scrub out of the 3 they offer, the Original and Coconut Affair are the others. I'm glad I got to try out the mint because it sounded like it consisted of so much good stuff.
It has coffee, of course, a roast organic coffee though, it buffs away dead skin cells without damaging the delicate new skin. The high caffeine content stimulates circulation to promote healing in problem areas.
It also consists of some amazing oils such as peppermint, argan and tea tree which the benefits being a clearer complexion, minty freshness, antiseptic properties that are good for healing and softening, soothing tired muscles and lastly, argan is high in fatty acids and Vitamin E which easily absorbs into the skin leaving your skin soft and glowing.
It doesn't stop there, it also contains aloe vera and dead sea salt that are packed full of minerals and vitamins.
So that's a lot of good stuff and benefits in one product which made me super excited to test it out.
I'm very particular with my skin mainly because it's sensitive and it doesn't play well with new products especially harsh and fragrance ones.
I cracked open the scrub and boom, the scent hit me, the coffee smell was so strong I could cry. Like I said at the start, not a fan of coffee, taste or smell but I eventually got passed the smell and got some on the skin. I tested it first on my arms just to make sure my skin wouldn't react badly. It didn't and I was looking forward to getting it all over the body.
They recommend using it 3 to 4 times a week to get lovely skin, I've been using it twice a week, my skin is quite soft already and sensitive so I didn't want to over do it. With using it twice a week, my skin has been looking healthier in terms of its glow and complexion so you can imagine what 3 to 4 times a week could do for you.
If and when my skin needs that much scrubbing (lol), I'll definitely up the usage.
All in all, it's pretty easy to use, simply get some in your hand and rub it into your skin, let it sit for a bit and then rinse off. It can be a bit messy, it's easiest it the shower as opposed to a bath, I've tried both and the bath was mayhem.
The Mint Temptation retails for £12.95 which I think is an affordable price. I love anything to do with skin so I don't mind the price as long as I'm getting my money's worth. I do wish they had different sizes so you could mix and match for cheaper but that's just me. I definitely want to try Coconut Affair next. I'd recommend it as a whole, especially if you're into scrubs.
I'm a coffee body scrub convert thanks to Scrub Love! Make sure you follow them on Instagram, @scrublove, so you can see all the other #babesthatscrub!
What are you thoughts? Have you used a coffee body scrub?
Take care,
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Jesslyn xo