*this post is picture heavy*
Day 4 for ya!
Busy day, I must say, we wanted to do everything so today was no rest day.
The morning started (after breakfast) with a rifle shooting session which I was super excited about.
10 in the morning but I still managed to hit the target perfectly, it was a great experience because it was something I wouldn't have thought to do back here in London.
What makes it even better, is that the resort we stayed at, offered it for free as it part of their daily activities.
After our shooting session, we got a bus to Palma so we could go on our boat ride. It took us ages to be persuaded to go on the boat, the guy assured us it wasn't a crazy boat party, we still said no until . . . we saw the price!
It was 35 euros for 3 hours and we just couldn't pass up the deal. I'm so glad we didn't!
Anyway, we got lost in Palma because we missed our bus stop but with a bit of Google Maps we were back on track.
We got to see the Cathedral (La Seu) on our way to the ports and it was so beautiful, I wish we could've been able to go in.
The views in Palma are amazing, everywhere we looked, there were palm trees, little fountains, just everything worth taking hundreds of pictures of.
We did a bit of souvenir shopping as you do and then headed to the boat port for 3pm.
The boat ride was 3 hours long, 1 hour travelling to Magaluf and then it's stop for an hour close to shore so people can jump in the water and then 1 hour travelling back.
Speaking of jumping in the water, I have a major fear of deep water and wasn't ever going to leave the boat for no one. My friend loved the water and was swimming around like a little fish and she got back on the boat and said "you're getting in, I'll get you a life jacket".
My heart jumped when I saw the life jacket in front of me, before you know it, I was being strapped up ready to go over.
I'm always determined to do things whether I'm scared or not so I climbed down the ladder and before you know it, my hand was letting go to float.
I floated for about 10seconds and I could feel myself start to panic so I just reached for the ladder and got out.
For me, major achievement and I have the pictures to prove it!
I loved the boat ride, definitely worth the euros haha
The guy that convinced us to go actually worked in the hotel so we got to speak to him the whole way back! He basically told us his life story which is always nice to hear from people from a different country.
But that's day 4 for you guys, a pretty fun filled day. I did all these things in a day that I would probably never do in a lifetime!
I always appreciate people that can encourage you to do things you've never done!
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Jesslyn xo