Puffer Jacket £15
Hey guys,
Yes, I finally, finally got my puffer jacket!
This has been on my lust list for ages and ages, I looked everywhere for one and I just couldn't find the perfect ond.
Hollister had one that I could put up with but it wasn't exactly what I wanted and splashing over £100 was not really something I wanted to do even though I was willing.
So, this is the story, my sister and I went to Primark a couple of weeks ago and we saw the white versions on this jacket, we were so tempted to get them but resisted because they were white.
So we didn't get them and hoped that they would bring in a black version.
A week later, I went to Westfield and saw they had an army print version but again I resisted because I really wanted a black one.
Now, Christmas present shopping, the time when you're not really supposed to shop for yourselves but the sister and I were cheeky and went to check if their jackets were in, in black and voila!
They were there and we jumped on them and bought them before we could even think about what we were doing.
So yes, I've been wearing it everywhere and for everything. It's my winter jacket for now, I love it, it's so warm and suits my style so well. My uni lecturer even said he likes my style, he said, 'it's elegant, classy but casual too'. Interesting mix, I say!
For £15, I'd say Primark, you did a job well done!
I'm in love with this jacket, you guys will definitely see it in future OOTD's!
Hope everyone's well and thanks for reading,
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Jesslyn xo