Hey guys,
Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas!
Boxing Day and days after until New Year's are usually my chill days and/or days to visit family.
Obviously, for Christmas, I had to get a fresh set of acrylics done.
I decided to stay with stiletto shape but I've decided that my next refill I'd change them to coffin shape.
I did what I usually do, in terms of design, I got all my nails painted in full and then did a leopard design on two fingers on each hand. A thumb is not a finger so on my thumb I got the design in a moon shape unlike the other three that were had leopard design all over.
Purple's my favourite colour and usually go for lilac on the nails but I prefer dark colours mainly because they compliment my skin tone quite well.
So this time, I decide to go for a very deep purple by Colour Club, I haven't actually seen this nail polish brand any other place than my nail shop so I decided I'd go with a brand I hadn't used before to see how it holds. I must say, it's doing better than most after all that Christmas cooking!
I'm going to enjoy having really long nails before starting uni again in the new year.
Picking up pins with these are not easy!
Might do a little practice because I love long nails and don't really want to have to cut them down shorter.
I'm excited to try a new shape so I'm looking forward to my next trip to the nail shop!
Hope everyone's having a relaxing Christmas break and you're all well,
Jesslyn x
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Jesslyn xo