Hey guys,
Long time, no blog. I know, I know, bad blogger *slaps wrists*!
But I'm back, sort of, with a review for you all.
Now if you've been reading my blog for a while, you would've read my review on MUA Pro Base products (the primer and fixing mist). If you haven't read it, here's the review.
Well, I wasn't best pleased with the fixing mist and I said 'I wouldn't be using it in the near future'.
Near future has been and gone and I've tried the fixing mist again.
I'm not using it in the way it's supposed to be used. Instead of spraying it over my perfectly placed make up, I use it underneath. Ta dah!
That was the solution for me, it definitely wasn't working the way it was meant to be used so I had to think of something and it worked.
I apply it after applying my moisturiser and the MUA Pro Base primer. After letting it settle into my skin, I apply my make up like usual.
It works so much better for me, it lasts around 6 hours before I have to apply some powder to my T-Zone. Being incredibly oily, that's rather good, to not have to touch up for 6 whole hours.
It's not the 8 hours promised on the bottle but someone who has normal skin would probably get that result.
I must say, I don't completely hate this product, there was so much hatred before but it is one of my daily essentials now and it does work much better at this point in time.
I'm not sure about re-purchasing yet, I do have my eye on the MAC Fix+ so that may take it's place!
What do you guys think about MUA's Fixing Mist, good or bad experience, I'd love to know!
Thanks for reading,
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Jesslyn xo